• Build your own robot
    Making Robots

    Building your own Robot

    So you’re interested in building your very own robot? Well look no further. Making a robot can be a lot easier than you may think… [...]
  • The Future of Robotics

    The Future of Robotics

    Looking back over history it can be seen that there are a number of key technological innovations, which form the basis of whole new areas [...]
  • Asimov's Laws of Robotics

    Asimov’s Laws of Robotics

    The Three Laws of Robotics are a set of rules devised by the science fiction author Isaac Asimov. The rules were introduced in his 1942 [...]
  • Robotics Engineer demonstrating robotic project

    Robotics Engineering

    The merge of numerical control and remote manipulation created a new field of engineering, and with it a number of scientific issues in design and [...]



Featured posts

Robot brain

Robot Brain

3rd February 2017 0
A computer is the brain of every robot, it is the logic engine and ultimately the controller. The computer is the second of the required [...]
Robot Saving Soldier

Military Robots

3rd February 2017 0
In the past battlefields were specific, strategically chosen locations. With the exception of ambushes, wars of the past have a sense of locality about them. [...]

Swarm Robotics

3rd February 2017 0
If you observe an ant colony you will notice that there is no single or group of ants organising proceedings. However, ants are able to [...]

The History of Robotics

30th January 2017 0
≈250 B.C. – Ctesibius, an ancient Greek engineer and mathematician, invented a water clock which was the most accurate for nearly 2000 years. ≈60 A.D. – Hero of Alexandria designs [...]